
A look ahead: Our future plans for Flow

Our very first post on this blog. And to start this blog off, let’s talk about future plans for Flow.

Apr 27, 2020


2 min


future plans for flow pomodoro app
future plans for flow pomodoro app
future plans for flow pomodoro app

Hello everyone. 👋🏻 Since many of you were asking us about our future plans for Flow and what our roadmap might be, we thought it would be a good idea to start a proper devblog. So to start this blog off, let’s talk about future plans for Flow.

Flow is a passion project for us. We use Flow ourselves nearly every day. And we love interacting with you guys and seeing all of your fantastic feedback. We’ve gotten a lot of messages from people from all around the world sharing their love and support with us. We are truly honored so many people enjoy Flow. Thank you!

And we want to continue our work with your feedback, suggestions and ideas in mind. We want to make Flow even better. There is a long list of features for Flow macOS which will be implemented step by step while keeping the interface and experience minimalistic. You can find a detailed list of planned features on our roadmap. Here is a short excerpt of some features we are currently working on:

⏱ More Customization
📝 Tasks
🚫 Block Websites
📊 More Statistics
☁️ iCloud Sync
✨ And more…

Alongside these improvements to Flow for macOS we are currently also developing a mobile version for iOS 13+ which can already be tested. For becoming a beta tester, we only need your full name and your email address used for your Apple ID. You’ll get an invitation within a few days. If you’re interested in becoming a beta tester, let us know.

Even though we plan to implement PRO-features at some point, the experience and usage of the focus timer will remain free to use. Until now, we’re only able to work part-time on Flow. Offering a paid option is a chance for us to make the development self-sufficient and a way for us to be able to invest more time into the project. And since we love working on Flow, we would be happy to do it more often.

We are not perfect. There will be bugs sometimes. Our minimalistic approach probably doesn’t fit everyone. We make mistakes and we constantly try and fail. But we don’t fail to try. We truly want to make Flow the best focus timer experience for you. Your feedback is important to us. We listen to you.

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Join over 100,000 daily users who get things done with Flow.

©2018-2024 Yugen GmbH



Join over 100,000 daily users who get things done with Flow.

©2018-2024 Yugen GmbH
