
Refactoring the code base

It’s time for another quick development related blog post. As promised, we want to provide insights into our processes and the current development progress of Flow.



2 Min.


flow app development
flow app development
flow app development

At the moment, as well as over the last few weeks, we’ve been refactoring, cleaning, and improving Flow’s code base. While these changes might not directly be visible to you as a user, it will significantly improve development speed, accuracy of certain features, and the interworking of the different platforms we plan to support. First and foremost iOS, but in the future we plan to make Flow also available on iPadOS and watchOS.

Upcoming update for macOS

Therefore, our primary focus is on refactoring and improving the code base of Flow as well as on the upcoming major update for Flow macOS. This update for Flow macOS will include not only some tweaks, bugfixes, overall improvements, and new features for the current free version of Flow, but also an optional Pro upgrade in the form of an In-App-Purchase. We’ve already explained our thoughts and plans on this and why it’s an important step for us in our last devblog, if you haven’t read it yet. Since the very beginning of our journey with Flow, users have been asking us to implement new features. Others have reached out specifically asking us not to implement new features in order to keep the experience as minimal and simplistic as it is at the moment. We can see both sides. We think the optional Pro upgrade can provide a wider variety of features to those who need it. At the same time, users searching for a lighter experience can stick with Flow as it is today.

That said, Flow’s free version will continue to receive new features and improvements in the future without bloating the app. Which features are planned for which version, you can read on our roadmap. Please keep in mind, nothing is set in stone. We do have plans and are constantly working towards these goals to enhance the experience for you, but some plans might alter throughout this process.

Behind the scenes

To round off this devblog post with a little goodie, we give you a sneak peak into our Trello board. If you want to learn more about our way of working or want to see more of these little behind the scenes stuff, let us know in the comments below or on Twitter(@flow__app). Your feedback is important to us. Not only do your comments and messages motivate us, but we also listen to you and take your comments to heart. We value your opinion and always try to reply to each one of your comments, tweets, and emails. Thank you for all the love and support, for your fantastic feedback, and suggestions. The dialog with you guys truly makes a difference for us and directly affects the development of Flow. Thanks!

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©2018-2024 Yugen GmbH



Schließe dich über 100.000 täglichen Nutzern an, die mit Flow produktiv sind.

©2018-2024 Yugen GmbH



Schließe dich über 100.000 täglichen Nutzern an, die mit Flow produktiv sind.

©2018-2024 Yugen GmbH
